Re: astrophysics of hitchhiking

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 23:05:16 MDT

  • Next message: Hal Finney: "Re: [Para-Discuss] faster than light?"

    At 09:33 PM 6/10/03 -0700, Mike Lorrey wrote of Amara's unhappy hitchhiking

    >They could smell your American citizenship from a mile away!!

    That's not really hard to do in Denver.

    >You didn't have enough of a moustache to pass for a real european!
    >"Ah, steenkeeng 'mericans, dey tink because dey give us dee Marshall
    >Plan that they can sponge off us forever!!!

    Surely people in Denver don't think that way.

    Damien Broderick

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