RE: Was Re: PHYSICS: force fields (RANT)

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 20:25:09 MDT

  • Next message: Emlyn O'regan: "RE: META: Rhetoric"

    Mitch wrote:
    > The educated are the ones taking it up the ass, nowadays, not
    > the blue collar folks. Or don't you consider developers, and
    > network admins educated? These are the folks whose jobs have
    > been and are being off-shored.

    I don't agree with this. It is true that there's a savage downturn in IT,
    but that doesn't mean there is no work, it just means that we can't charge
    the outrageous fees that we used to. Live with it, it's a market economy. We
    all benefitted wildly and disproportionately from the bubble, now we are out
    in the cold for a while. It's a good opportunity to learn something...
    economies have cycles, and if the boom you are in seems too good to be true,
    it might be a good idea to try saving.

    Anyway, what's wrong with skilled Indians having jobs? Who is to say they
    deserve them less (if that matters) than USians?


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