Re: [Iraq] The real reason for the war

Date: Sat Jun 07 2003 - 12:32:50 MDT

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "Re: ARTERIES Engineered-Non-Neonatal"

    On your points 3 and 4; one might then conclude that the disuasion of
    radical, militant Islam as practiced by Salafists, Wahabbis, and Shiite Ayatollahs,
    as well as their Baathist cohorts, would thus be in your interests? The
    Egyptian government has surely followed the Saudi practice of blame the USA since
    Sadat's assasination, as a means of deflecting due criticism for failed economic
    policies. Since nothing seems to be more poweful then power in this old world,
    what are we to do to disusade militant, radical, Islam (and its non-Muslims
    supporters) from practicing nuclear guerilla warfare? There's an old saying
    that "Nice guys don't win ballgames", to which I would add, Survival is not a
    popularity contest, which I would apply this to at least one group in the Middle

    Mez stated:
    << 3) My relatives in egypt are members of an oppressed and discriminated
    against minority (egyptian christians).  They are the oppressed rather
    than the oppressors.  From an early age I was taught that Islam is an
    evil religion.  In many ways I hold my current opinions /despite/ my
    upbringing, rather than because of it.

    4) To the extent that I care about the welfare of my relatives in
    Egypt, I would like to see Egypt become more like the US.  I'd like to
    see it become a democracy rather than a dictatorship.  I'd like to see
    it become a modern capitalist society rather than a mostly statist
    one.  >>

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