From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Tue Jun 03 2003 - 09:07:02 MDT
Nice one.
--- Emlyn O'regan <>
> How does it take off? I'm pretty fuzzy on this;
> basically, you'd need to get
> accepted by social groups a bit at a time. Phone
> companies could sell it as
> a feature of newer devices. Hopefully it would be
> hugely attractive to
> twenty-somethings, as a start.
Interoperability with the other popular scheduling
might help a lot - but beware what happened when the
world tried that. (Companies changing the specs
withoutbnotice, specifically to reject competitors'
compatible products. A good reverse-engineering team,
monitoring the latest releases of and patches for,
which you want to be compatible with would help.) If
you could pull this off, though, that could easily get
your foot in the door - or, at least, convince
competitors to adopt the same features. (Extropic
met, even if the business would probably only earn
minor profits at best.)
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