Re: Rightness and Utility of Patriotism

From: Eliezer S. Yudkowsky (
Date: Tue Jun 24 2003 - 10:19:52 MDT

  • Next message: Peter C. McCluskey: "Re: The Future of Secrecy"

    Robin Hanson wrote:
    > On 6/23/2003, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
    >>>>> ... Most of the "disagreements" on the list are not really
    >>>>> disagreements.
    >>>>> Different people have different data or assign different values.
    >>>>> Most of the facts themselves are not in dispute. ...
    >> I disagreed that "the facts themselves are not in dispute" and that
    >> disputes derive from assigning different values. It seems to me that
    >> much of the disputation derives from disagreement on facts, and the
    >> remainder from differences on values that are perceived as
    >> disagreements and on which people would not agree to disagree. Little
    >> of it appears to be genuinely "assigning different" values.
    > I agree with Eliezer; most disagreements on this list are not on their
    > face people declaring different values. That may be the real cause
    > behind the scenes, but the actual statements that people dispute seem to
    > mostly be statements about which of many possible worlds the actual
    > world is.

    Some disputes about values are not statements about which of many possible
    worlds the actual world is, unless you extend possible-world semantics to
    cover alternate laws of mathematics or inconsistent worlds; some disputes
    about values are disputes about the output of a computational process.
    For example, two people arguing about "rationality" are better thought of
    as arguing about properties emergent in Bayesian decision theory, rather
    than arguing about the contents of a black box labeled "rationality" which
    contains different things in different possible worlds. There's a black
    box, but it's internal, not external, and it contains the same thing in
    all possible worlds which obey our rules of mathematics.

    Eliezer S. Yudkowsky                
    Research Fellow, Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence

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