RE: London Calling

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Wed Jun 18 2003 - 09:22:08 MDT

  • Next message: Ramez Naam: "RE: London Calling"

    From: []
    > I understand the anti-Bushies are appalled. Yet, what kind if
    > foreign policy should we pursue., like the French?

    A foreign policy that focuses on addressing the roots of terrorism:
    poverty, oppression, corruption, and despair. A foreign policy that
    ceases to prop up dictators who oppress and steal from their own
    people. A foreign policy focused on rewarding countries that move
    towards democracy and capitalism rather than simply punishing
    countries we don't like.

    > A fat lot of good appeasement has done.

    I don't want to appease anyone. What I want is to increase the
    welfare of the rest of the world, because prosperous people produce
    fewer terrorists.

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