From: Doug Skrecky (
Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 12:49:13 MDT
This is the 92'nd update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
temperature was 20.7 C during this run. Estimated maximal longevity using
the formula (363 - T*11.2) is 131 days.
In the carob 1/2 tsp bottle some flies retained the ability to fly
after all the flies in the other bottles were dead. This raises the
interesting possibility that although carob might not inhibit viral
mediated mortality, it might inhibit motor neuron degeneration.
Alternatively, this result might be due to chance.
Run #92 Percent Survival on Day
supplement 9 14 21 28 33 38 43 49 55 61 66 71 77 83 88 93
control 92 92 92 92 77 77 69 62 54 31 23 15 0 - - -
carob 1/8 tsp 94 88 88 82 71 47 47 47 23 17 17 6 0 - - -
carob 1/2 tsp 87 80 80 80 67 67 67 53 23 20 20 20 20 13 7 0
chromium HVP 0.5 mg 75 75 69 69 69 63 50 50 31 25 19 6 0 - - -
chromium HVP 2 mg 85 55 50 40 40 15 15 10 5 5 5 5 0 - - -
hops 1/8 tsp 77 62 54 54 54 54 46 31 23 15 0 - - - - -
hops 1/2 tsp 88 69 69 69 69 50 50 50 38 25 25 0 - - - -
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