OFFLIST RE: Reality bites

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 22:44:23 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Status of Superrationality"


    > I guess I'm not making myself clear. I am not talking about promoting these
    > technologies, lobbying for these technologies, or educating the public about
    > these technologies.

    But Harvey, some of these things may be quite significant.
    I believe Brett has significantly influenced Stem Cell
    legislation down under -- that in turn influences research
    funding down under. These things are connected(!).

    > What I want to know is how many of us are actually working on these
    > technologies or developing these technologies. We seem to have too many
    > people in "sales" and too few in "production".

    I've spent most of the last 3 years trying to get concepts for
    whole genome engineering into serious development -- I haven't
    been very successful due to the current funding climate but am
    aware of 2 other companies that are making some slow progress.
    So there *is* progress being made on the enabling technologies.

    And though Zyvex is having some development speed bumps
    (private info) they actually do have a product out now --
    the S100 Nanomanipulator (though I would probably call it
    a micromanipulator) [but it does probably scale down
    fairly easily].

    I had a recent private communication from Ken Clements
    that he has been granted a patent on "microactuators".

    So slowly, step by step there is progress. I think you may see
    a lot start to happen due to the last 5-8 years of genome and
    protein structure decoding over the next 3-5 years [i.e. 2003-2008].

    There are people in the trenches its just not always obvious.


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