Micro-memetics (Re:Another neat online community project.)

From: alexboko@umich.edu
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 14:08:52 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Daniel Crocker: "Re: Reality bites"

    From: "Alex Future Bokov" <alexboko@umich.edu>
    X-Mailer: YaBB

    Meetup.com makes more realistic the possibility that any given town will have
    half a dozen or so extropians/cryonicists/virians/AI-ers/etc. who all know
    about each other.

    The next question is what to do? There are too few people to organize a
    convention without heroic effort... so, what can be done to spread the memes
    on a local basis? What kind of community-level agenda should small extropian
    cells have?

    Some ideas...

    * A local group knows who the local politicians are, and when national
    politicians will be coming to town to speak. The group would be in the
    audience to ask questions about stem cells, drug legalization, funding for
    basic research, etc.

    * A local group probably reads the local papers. All members would write
    letters to the editor whenever a relevant issues comes up with reference to
    that paper. More members means more eyes to track the papers.

    * Organizing purely social and fun fundraisers for Extropian charities...
    think raves, think paintball tournaments. Anybody know, are ExI, WTA,
    Foresight tax-deductible charities? Any others anybody would suggest?

    * Do joint ventures with allied groups like Free-Staters, Libertarians,
    atheists, pro-science groups, education groups. But making sure the Extropian
    name, logos, slogans, ideas are given due credit. Maybe having tables at local

    * A nationwide group can double its membership only after a long,
    costly publicity campaign... along with some luck. A small, local group
    can double it's membership simply by getting everyone to bring their
    roommate/friend/significant other to the next meeting.

    * Extropian movie night at a local library or community center?

    * Counter-demonstrations against the local bible-thumpers and/or luddites?

    Somehow all these ideas seem kind of lacking something. I'm hoping y'all can
    give me some better ones.

    This message was posted by Alex Future Bokov to the Extropians 2003 board on ExI BBS.

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