Re: Suns considered harmful (was: Pluto)

Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 01:06:43 MDT

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: The Nanogirl News~"

    I think that the Authors of Five Ages is performing a rush to judgement as a
    direct reaction to Dyson, Tipler, Linde, Gott, and the like. They may end up
    being correct. However, when things like dark matter, dark energy, increased
    acceleration, and so forth rear's their heads; since the 1996 publication of 5
    Ages, it tells me to hang on to my space helmet, because the wheel is in spin.

    Robert Bradbury opined:
    <<I think the ETI thinking may have largely been dominated
    by Dysonian or Tiplerian thinking that there may be ways
    out of the quagmire (a doomed universe).  But what if
    Adams and Laughlin (The Five Ages of the Universe) are
    right and no matter what we do in the current paradigm
    we are ultimately hosed?  Then there isn't any f***ing
    point to colonization -- ultimately it is a pointless
    I'd also lean towards asserting that a species capable
    of interstellar colonization is probably relatively
    capable of knowing whether this universe is doomed.

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