Re: [Liberal Bias] Leftist Spin on Twisters

Date: Sun May 18 2003 - 08:21:10 MDT

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    Harvey Newstrom claimed:
    <<We also are seeing
    massive storms with dozens of tornadoes sweeping across wide plains in the
    last decade or two.  I really doubt that this is the same as is was in the
    1950's and '60s and it was just that nobody noticed.--
    Harvey Newstrom, CISSP, IAM, GSEC, IBMCP>>

    Surely, the intensity of Tornado outbreaks have been reported time and again.
    The outbreak of 1925 seems far more destructive, by lack of warning
    capability, and there has been so many outbreaks before and since. The rush
    to judgement that human release of carbon is causing fiercer storms, and more
    frequent outbreaks, is not even a scientific hypothesis yet, is it? Can you
    cite a paper from a climatologist for this claim?

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