RE: Plato's big lie

From: Lee Corbin (
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 09:21:04 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "Status of Superrationality (was Left/Right... can't we do better than this?)"

    Damien B. writes

    > >But I do *not* credit that lying is a part of Neo-con, or even
    > >Nazi philosophy. I simply have never heard of any ideology
    > >that cynical.
    > You've never read Plato, then, on the topic?

    OF COURSE! Thanks. That did not occur to me.

    > I assume this is what Pfaff or
    > Strauss was referring to: in THE REPUBLIC, he famously asked whether `we
    > could contrive some magnificent myth that would carry conviction to our
    > whole community' - a lie that might serve the greater truth of community.
    > As I recall, this was one of Popper's reasons for despising Plato. It's a
    > proposition entertainingly and scathingly examined in Vonnegut's fable

    Well, that I *didn't* know. CAT'S CRADLE executes the Big Lie? As I
    recall, the great scientist ("any scientist who cannot explain what he
    is doing to an eight-year old is a charlatan") creates ice-nine, and
    there is a lot of anti-science propaganda woven into the story, but I
    don't recall anything about "soma" (those little lies that are necessary
    in life) being done in emulation of Plato. But it's been almost 35 years.


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