Re: "Hysteria, Thy Name is SARS"

From: Phil Osborn (
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 19:25:43 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Sullivan: "Re: "liberal media""

    See my previous post:

    I note that today the news comes out that a coverup
    was also going on in Taiwan, which may be directly
    responsible for the breakout of SARS therer, esulting
    in the dismissal of a high-ranking medical
    authority... Same culture, same behavior.,4395,188695,00.html

    As an aside, a lot of people think of Taiwan as being
    the champions of freedom and capitalist, Western
    values, a lonely, brave outpost facing up to the
    mainland monster. Many Taiwanese may even hold a
    similar view. However, from the "36 Strategies" and
    the "Art of War," we learn that rarely are things as
    they seem in the political/economic/military complex
    of Chinese culture - mainland or Formosan.

    If you want to get concessions from the U.S., just
    threaten Taiwan or arrest a bunch of harmless Falun
    Gong. The mainland Chinese see Taiwan clearly as a
    piece on a chess board that is off by itself
    unprotected. The U.S. has gallantly stepped in to
    protect it? Wonderful! So much more difficult if one
    had to threaten the U.S. directly.

    Hey, U.S. dummies! Next time why not just put a few
    million innocent people out in the ocean off our coast
    and then offer to "protect" them. How much we have to
    pay you, U.S. dummies?

    In trouble over intellectual property theft? Hey,
    look at us about to invade Taiwan! (Yeah, right...
    And destroy their biggest trading point with the U.S.?
     If China invaded Taiwan, they couldn't use it any
    more to twist the U.S. arm.)

    As far as being champions of freedom, the history of
    Taiwan does not exactly lend itself to that
    interpretation. Chang Kai Shek was a warlord who is
    alleged by many non-Chinese analysts to have been
    responsible for perhaps hundreds of thousands of
    unnecessary civilian deaths. His army was notorious
    for its brutality and corruption while they fought on
    the mainland. In fact, they effectively GAVE China to
    the commies by turning the whole countryside against

    When they went to Taiwan and just moved in and started
    seizing everything in sight, normal behavior for them,
    the unarmed Taiwanese protested publically, to which
    Chang's army responded by killing 20,000 of the
    unarmed protestors, as a lesson.

    Now, of course, they are good guys...

    And if you believe that...

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