need Info about vision/memory

Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 19:05:09 MDT

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    Fellow Extropes,
           The old grey squishy bit has been ticking over again trying to find a
    possible explanation for one of life's little mysteries. Before I subject you
    to another of my mad theories, I thought I would gather a bit of information
    to see if my latest idea has any merit.

    Does anyone know of a study or some good reliable data about the Vision
    abilities of Babies and infants, up to about toddler age (2 years old +/-)
    Particularly if they can see colour or importantly if they can register
    colour, as the HW is in place but the relevant brain area may be undeveloped.

    Do you know of any studies/data that have been done on whether visual
    memories are stored in colour or black and white/greyscale?

    Also any info about whether Babies/Infants vision may be distorted would be
    very helpful by this I mean, can they see a normal image or is it distorted
    like looking through a fish eye lens?

    These may seem like strange things to be interested in, but they are at the
    root of my latest brainwave.
    Thanks in advance for any leads.


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