Re: (IRAQ) RE: Name calling vs. Ad Hominem

Date: Fri May 09 2003 - 14:36:06 MDT

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "RE: GM Foods Safe Enuf"

    miiwk stated.
    <<You know, 'liberal' bloggers like atrios always refer to the SCLM -- 'so
    called liberal media'. Imho, *all* the mass media in this country --
    even PBS -- is very very conservative. Like, I've seen Noam Chomsky on
    TV *once* (on PBS, with Bill Moyers). It just appears liberal next to
    folks like Rush Limbaugh or Mike Savage (or Wiener, or whatever his name
    is). Not spewing an incoherent never-ending fountain of hate? Hmmm, must
    be a liberal.>>
                                 My View

    Peter Jennings of ABC, America's most trusted Canadian Leftist
    Ashliegh Banfield MS-NBC another war -opposing Canadian darling
    Dan Rather (cough cough) turning my head Left :-)
    Tom mumbles Brokaw, an old-line Liberal, still stuck in the 60's who got
    milege from The Greatest Generation (Saving Ryan's Privates)
    CNN (the East is Red) sponsored by Ted (wuvs Castro) Turner

                                 My Experience

    You know I have had dealings with Eason Jordan, the head honcho at CNN, re
    garding what I believed to be inaccurate reporting, an lo and behold, he does
    a mea culpa in the NY Times a couple of weeks ago on "non-reporting: of
    Iraqi massacres of Iraqi civilians, which CNN knew about; and didn't report
    it as news because he didn't want to have his crew kicked out of the country.
    This is known as spiking a story.

    The behavior of the world's people, plus a raising of consciousness (a
    technique sponsored by Martin Luther King) is now empowering rightists (like
    me) to bust Leftists, rather than let them have the entire stage. Let
    everyone decide for themselves or what's a republic for?

    Not all of us love the unreasoned bombast (which I engage in) like Rush
    Limburger or even Bill O'reilly. Chris Mathews is a screamer like O'reily is,
    but Mathews (at MSNBC) screams leftwards in an isolationist fashion. A punk

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