RE: Hunting

From: gts (
Date: Wed May 07 2003 - 06:30:51 MDT

  • Next message: Greg Jordan: "RE: Hunting"

    Greg Jordan wrote:

    [gts wrote:]
    >> The hunting behavior and the suffering of the animal will
    >> be the same regardless of the hunter's motivation. So then
    >> if sport-hunting is evil but survival-hunting is not, then
    >> the evil must not emanate from the act of hunting or from
    >> the suffering of the animal. The evil must instead emanate
    >> from the brain activity of the sport-hunter.
    > The calculation of value is made by the person considering
    > the possibility of hunting - whether it would be better to
    > hunt recreationally, or not to.

    Okay, so then it appears that you agree with me that by your own definition,
    the evil of sport-hunting emanates from the subjective value judgments of
    the hunter rather than from the suffering of any animal he might hunt. This
    must be so because you agree that survival-hunting is not evil.

    But if the evil emanates only from the sport-hunter's mind then the argument
    against sport-hunting evaporates. As evidenced in survival-hunting, the
    suffering of animals is not in itself evil, so why not hunt?


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