The United Nations: Unfit to govern

From: Terry W. Colvin (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 19:52:15 MDT

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    The United Nations: Unfit to govern
    Mark Steyn
    National Post

    Monday, April 28, 2003

    Iraq: Should the UN have "a" vital role, as Messrs. Bush and Blair
    have suggested? Or should it have "the" vital role, as M. Chirac is

    If you want the short answer to that question, consider the matter of
    whether UN sanctions should now be lifted, so that Iraqis can sell
    their oil and start rebuilding their country. Here is the official
    Russian response:

    "This decision cannot be automatic," says the Foreign Minister with a
    straight face. "For the Security Council to take this decision, we
    need to be certain whether Iraq has weapons of mass destruction or

    Got that? Last month, the Russians were opposed to war on the grounds
    that there was no proof Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. This
    month, the Russians are opposed to lifting sanctions on the grounds
    that there's no proof Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass destruction.

    There are a few striped-pants masochists in the State Department who
    enjoy this sort of thing and have spent the last four weeks pining
    for M. Chirac to walk all over them in steel-tipped stilettos one
    more time. But most Americans, given a choice between being locked in
    Security Council negotiations with the Russians, French and Germans
    or being fed feet-first into one of Saddam's industrial shredders,
    would find it a tough call.

    You don't have to be a genius to see that, since September 11th, we
    have entered a transitional phase in world affairs. But reasonable
    people are prone to reasonableness and, as I mentioned the other day,
    they're especially vulnerable to the seductive power of inertia in
    human affairs. The wish not to have to update one's Rolodex burns
    fiercely in the political breast. Brent Scowcroft, George Bush Sr.'s
    National Security Advisor, wanted to stick with the Soviet Union even
    after the Politburo had given up on it. The European Union was
    committed to the preservation of Yugoslavia even when there had
    ceased to be a Yugoslavia to preserve. In the Middle East, clinging
    to the status quo even as it's melting and dripping on to your shoes
    is one reason why the region is now a problem. You may recall G. W.
    Hunt's famous 19th-century London music-hall song, the one that
    introduced a new word for the kind of militant patriotism most
    distasteful to the enlightened soul:

    "We don't want to fight, but, by jingo if we do,

    We've got the ships, we've got the men,

    we've got the money too ..."

    What's often overlooked is what all this flag-waving was in aid of:

    "We've fought the bear before

    And while we're Britons true

    The Russians shall not have Constantinople."

    Why? Because the British coveted it? Not at all. Her Majesty's
    Government was interested in cherrypicking the odd isle and emirate
    -- Cyprus here, Oman there -- but, other than that, they were
    committed to maintaining the Ottoman Empire: all that jingoistic
    rabble-rousing not for British glory but just to keep some other
    fellows' simpleton sultan on his throne. The Middle East is in its
    present condition in part because the European powers kept propping
    up the Turkish Empire decades after it had ceased to be prop-up-able.
    It would have been much better for all concerned if Britain had got
    its hands on Syria, Mesopotamia and Arabia in the 1870s rather than
    four decades later. But, even in the later stages of the Great War,
    after the British had comprehensively sliced and diced Turkey from
    top to toe, London's official position was that somehow the Ottoman
    Empire should be glued back together and propped up till the next war.

    Now another Middle Eastern war has come and gone, and the
    bien-pensants are anxious that once again an obsolescent institution
    be glued back together and propped in position. This time it's the
    UN. The editors of Britain's Spectator concede it has more than its
    share of "irritating do-gooders," but surely even that's a euphemism:
    The do-gooders are, in fact, do-badders. The "oil-for-palaces"
    program (as Tommy Franks calls it) is a grotesque boondoggle even by
    UN standards: It was good for bureaucrats, good for Saddam's European
    bankers, good for his British stooge George Galloway, but bad for the
    Iraqi people. A humanitarian operation meant to help a dictator's
    beleagured subjects has instead enriched the UN by over $1-billion
    (officially) in "administrative" costs. There's no oversight, no
    auditing, nothing most businesses would recognize as a legitimate
    invoice, and, although non-essential items can only be approved by
    the Secretary-General himself, Kofi Annan (Mister Legitimacy) has
    personally signed off on practically anything Saddam requested,
    including "boats," from France.

    You don't have to agree (though I do) with George Jonas that the UN
    is a fully fledged member of the axis of evil to recognize that
    there's little point in going to war to install yet another branch
    office of UNSCAM. If the problem is America's image in the Arab
    world, in what way does it help to confine the Stars and Stripes
    brand to unpleasant things like bombs while insisting all the nice
    post-war reconstructive stuff be clearly labelled with the UN flag?
    If the answer is that that's the price you pay for healing the rift
    with Old Europe, that presupposes Old Europe is interested in healing
    it. Tony Blair may be keen, but the Continentals have different
    agendas. Will the Belgian government approve the complaint against
    Tommy Franks for "genocide"? The petition accuses the General of
    "inaction in the face of hospital pillaging," which apparently meets
    the Belgian definition of genocide. Unlike the deaths of over three
    million people, which is the lowball figure for those who've died in
    the current civil war in the Congo -- or, as I still like to think of
    it, the Belgian Congo.

    The Congo's civil war is everything the NIONists (Not In Our Name)
    claimed Bush's war would be: There were more civilian deaths in a few
    hours in Ituri province last week than in the entire Iraq campaign;
    while the blowhards at Oxfam and co -- the Big Consciences lobby --
    insist on pretending that Iraq is a humanitarian disaster, there's an
    actual humanitarian disaster going on in the Congo, complete with
    millions of children dead from disease and malnutrition. While the
    lefties warned that Ariel Sharon would use the cover of the Iraq war
    to slaughter the Palestinians, the Congolese are being slaughtered,
    and you don't need any cover. Because nobody cares. Because no
    arrogant Americans or sinister Zionists are involved.

    The Congo is a useful reminder of the laziness of the term "Western
    imperialism." There's Belgian imperialism, which, as the Congo
    continues to demonstrate, is a sewer. And then there's Anglo-Saxon
    nation-building, which, from India to Belize, works quite well, given
    the chance. St Lucia, Mauritius, Tuvalu and Papua New Guinea, to
    pluck four at random, have enjoyed the attributes of a free society a
    lot longer than, say, Greece, Portugal and Spain, which were
    dictatorships a quarter-century ago. The argument of my old friend
    Ghazi Algosaibi, the Saudi Minister of Water, that freedom is
    "European" is not borne out by the facts. If Latin Americans, Pacific
    islanders, and even the Muslims of south Asia can live in liberty,
    it's surely a little racist to suggest that Arabs are uniquely
    incapable of so doing. Had Britain begun administering Mesopotamia in
    1877 instead of 1917, we wouldn't even be asking the question.

    But if you want to turn a long-shot into a surefire failure, there's
    no better way than handing post-war Iraq from the Americans to the UN
    -- the successors to the Belgian school of nation-building. At best,
    you'll end up with Cambodia, where the UN has colluded in the
    nullification of democracy, or the Balkans, where once-functioning
    jurisdictions are reduced to the level of geopolitical tenements with
    the UN as slum landlord in perpetuity. At worst, you'll wind up with
    the West Bank "refugee" "camps,"the most extreme reminder of how the
    UN has little interest in solving problems, only in establishing
    bureaucracies to manage them. Washington should ignore the French,
    dare the Russians to veto, let the Iraqis turn on the spigots, and
    pay no attention to "do-gooders."

    Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < >
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