Re: Experiences with Atkins diet

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 14:29:41 MDT

  • Next message: Mike Lorrey: "RE: my objection to the Doomsday argument"

    > (gts <>):
    > I've seen only two theoretical arguments for vegetarianism:
    > 1) the argument that humans have a moral obligation to minimize
    > suffering in the world, including the suffering of animals, and
    > 2) the argument that humans are best genetically adapted to a
    > diet limited only to plant foods.

    There's a very obvious third argument, which is that a vegetarian
    diet is beneficial to health in the present environment with the
    present availability of foods, whether we're "adapted" to it or not.
    That (plus a bit of #1) was certainly my reason for being vegetarian
    for 3-4 years. Later research didn't support the idea, so I'm back
    on the beef now, but I never for moment bought the argument that we
    were datapted for vegetarianism.

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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