Re: Dr. Aubrey de Grey's Research Goal

From: Adrian Tymes (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 10:59:04 MDT

  • Next message: Terry W. Colvin: "FWD [forteana] Charlie versus the grey goo"

    --- Aubrey de Grey <> wrote:
    > John Grigg wrote:
    > > I wish this research scientist were given the
    > chance to make good on
    > > his statement quoted in Cryonics Magazine
    > (paraphrased here) "with 100
    > > million dollars and ten years I could lay the
    > foundation for human
    > > immortality."
    > I actually said "100 million dollars per year for
    > ten years", but it's
    > still not much money in the grand scheme of things.

    So, out of curiosity, how did you
    arrive at that figure? X number of
    people at average salary Y, pieces of
    equipment A, B, and C costing total
    Z, et cetera, or is that just a
    ballpark guess? (If it's the latter,
    you might have more luck getting the
    funds if you could turn it into the

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