Re: Doomsday vs Diaspora

From: Chris Hibbert (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 20:06:53 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: Doomsday vs Diaspora"

    Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote:
    > [a thunderbolt singularity is] a consistent GR solution for an
    > evaporating black hole which exposes the naked singularity, which
    > then propagates and annihilates the entire future light cone of that
    > event.
    > Here's a paper by Stephen Hawking and J.M. Stewart:

    Yow! That's really nasty, either as a weapon or as a bug!. The only
    thing you can do is run away at the speed of light with everything you
    ever want to be in contact with. (Anything you don't take with you
    will either be swallowed up itself, or recede on a different vector so
    you'll never be able to contact it.

    We should try to make it unlikely in this universe if we have any
    choice in the matter.


    Currently reading: Lawrence Lessig, The Future of Ideas; C. S. Lewis,
         Perelandra ; David Brin, Heaven's Reach ;
         On my Clie: Alexandar Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo
    Chris Hibbert

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