RE: evolution and diet

From: gts (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 14:04:42 MDT

  • Next message: Michael Wiik: "[WAR]: not about WMD" wrote:

    > GTS,
    > If you look at the explanation given by the researchers of the
    > DASH diet I believe you will find that they have issued mod one. Mod
    > two may well be paleolithic.

    I haven't been able to get a web connection to the official DASH site, which
    is presumably where those explanations are found. I'm glad to learn one the
    mods looks paleolithic.

    > They leave me wondering if the dairy-grain components is making
    > any contribution to lowering BP at all.

    Yes obviously I'm wondering about those same things.

    > I believe I remember that Pritikin recommended increasing
    > the intake of grains if a person's weight was falling too low.

    Increasing intake of grains will of course increase intake of carbs and
    calories and tend to increase weight.

    Dr. Pritiken (father and son), and their close ideological cousin Dr. Dean
    Ornish, recommend very non-paleolithic high-grain, excruciatingly low-fat
    diets, especially to those with heart disease. They have some pretty good
    data to support their case, and far be it from me to tell a heart-attack
    survivor not to follow their advice, but as far as I know their clinical
    data comes from subjects who followed their important life-style and
    exercise advice unrelated to diet, which may be the major factors behind
    their positive outcomes.

    I tend to think a zero-grain, zero-dairy, low-carb, low-saturated-fat
    paleolithic diet is best for preventing heart disease from happening in the
    first place.


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