RE: evolution and diet

From: gts (
Date: Fri Apr 25 2003 - 07:25:32 MDT

  • Next message: "Matrix - Imax"

    Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

    >> gts wrote:
    >>> Where is the evidence that milk and cheese add anything to health
    >>> and longevity? There is none. Likewise with agricultural products.
    > This is exactly the kind of overblown, simplistic,
    > black-and-white rhetoric that makes it hard to take "true
    > believers" seriously.

    And this is exactly the kind of comment that differentiates those who are
    interested in diet from those like you who seem to be interested arguing
    just for argument's sake.

    > There is /mountains/ of evidence for
    > the health benefits of dairy, grains, and beans, and gts
    > knows this as well as anyone.

    No, I do not know this, Lee. There is no evidence that I've seen that dairy,
    grains and legumes are healthy additions to the diet, given that one must
    subtract paleo foods from the diet in order to add them, i.e., there is no
    evidence that replacing calories from paleo foods with those from non-paleo
    foods is likely to increase health or longevity. If you disagree then don't
    be an ass: just post your evidence.


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