Re: Genetic engineering costs

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Tue Apr 22 2003 - 16:08:54 MDT

  • Next message: Mike Lorrey: "Re: Fiction Books"

    On Tue, 22 Apr 2003, Adrian Tymes wrote:

    > Out of curiosity, what are all the costs of genetic
    > engineering at this time? There is specialized labor,
    > of course, but even with widespread competition (as a
    > result of widespread training in the techniques), this
    > would still be skilled labor by modern standards, and
    > thus the cost of labor would still be a factor. But
    > what other costs are there, and how could one minimize
    > or eliminate them?

    One needs a certain amount of specialized machinery.
    DNA synthesizers and sequencers & PCR apparatus to
    amplify DNA for example -- these range from a few thousand
    to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then one needs very
    high quality water purifiers and sterilizers. Finally one
    needs the reagents to perform the actual "engineering" --
    a small amount of a single restriction enzyme to cut
    up a piece of DNA in a specific place may be a few
    hundred dollars (and there are hundreds of different
    kinds of restriction enzymes that one might need to use).
    Then there are the plastic consumables -- tubes or plates
    in which to grow you modified organisms.

    It isn't cheap.

    > Might it not be simpler just to design a virus to do
    > this infection, but not replicate (beyond normal
    > cell division, et cetera), then flood the body with
    > a lot of this virus?

    This involves placing the virus in a host which has been
    engineered to have the required additional replication
    machinery -- not simple (otherwise how do you get a
    sufficient number of viruses?). Then there is a nasty
    problem that you don't introduce any of the cells that
    are capable of replicating the virus.

    > One challenge would be how to make sure the
    > virus does not needlessly overwrite the edit on a cell
    > that has already been modified, or at least that such
    > an overwrite would be harmless.

    Yes -- this is the "How many copies do you want problem?".
    There are some solutions for this in prokaryotic cells
    with bacterial viruses but I'm unaware of any that function
    within eukaryotic cells. With their much larger size it
    might be difficult for the regulatory proteins to diffuse
    sufficiently fast to perform the desired function (of
    regulating copy number).

    I've thought about this for a long time and haven't managed to come up
    with a good solution (which is why I suggested delivering single
    pre-engineered secondary nuclei [biobots] outside of the body). One can
    always screen such cells to make sure you are getting those with the
    correct modifications. Inside the body it is much more difficult to make
    sure things are going as planned.


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