Re: Oil Vey!

Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 19:23:34 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: Oil from turkey offal"

    Damien X:
    <<More interesting than the pipeline is the claim near the bottom that the US
    has been stocking oil reserves for Israel, at a cost of $3 billion in 2002.
    Add that to the foreign aid bill?

    -xx- Damien X-) >>

    Yes, the Arabists make l;ots of extravagent claims, but then they and their Wahabbi masters can afford to, at least for a little while. By the By, the Arabists, in DC under Bush Sr were the ones who advised not to upset the apple cart in Iraq in 91. People like George Ball, James Baker the 3rd, and other captives of the state department. Like I mentioned in a previous post, if you wish to avoid reality, kindly partake of whatever brew the Arabists quaff.

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