COMPUTING: Teraflops by 2006

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 16:52:20 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Daniel Crocker: "Re: Fiction Books"

    Sony and Toshiba are announcing the construction of 65nm
    FABs for the construction of chips that would likely
    pack a teraflop of computing capacity by 2006 and end
    up in consumer devices like the Playstation 3.
    The so called "cell" microprocessor sounds a lot
    like the chips in IBM's Blue Gene computer.

    So with 1,000 you get a petaflop (would fit into
    a couple of standard racks) and with 1 million
    you have an exaflop (this is about 15 IBM Blue
    Gene computers in terms of complexity).

    Estimates of AI requirements are someplace in
    the petaflop-exaflop range. So ladies and
    gentlemen -- we are taxiing down the runway
    and gaining speed at a fairly rapid pace.

    Its worth noting that we get this before current
    semiconductor technology starts having to deal
    with the really hard problems that will likely
    require robust nanotech. Its also worth noting
    that the number of processors required is
    substantially less than the number involved
    in distributed computing projects (everything
    from SETI@Home to the Kazaa file sharing network
    so the risks of one or more AIs@Home developing
    and not getting it right would seem to increase

    It might take a few more years (1-3 chip
    generations) but I really don't know how people
    are going to handle life when their Sony AIBO
    dog is smarter than they are...


    1. Sony, Toshiba disclose chip fab plans

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