Re: FITNESS: Diet and Exercise

From: Damien Sullivan (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 12:41:19 MDT

  • Next message: gts: "RE: FITNESS: Diet and Exercise"

    On Mon, Apr 14, 2003 at 11:47:07AM -0400, gts wrote:

    > Those who would argue that we are genetically adapted to a *grain* based
    > diet are in my mind beyond the fringe and hardly worth the trouble of
    > debating. Some people will believe anything. :-)

    Well, there is the fact that most of us are descended from up to 10,000 years
    of farmers, with many of us Europeans having a long dairy history as well.
    It's traditional to say "evolution is slow, that's not much time" but then
    there are the finch, fruit fly, and stickleback studies, showing evolution
    might happen faster than usually thought. Even if we're not perfectly adapted
    to the farming diet yet, after 10,000 years we might not be that adapted to
    the Palaeolithic diet either.

    Again, see the Okinawans. White rice, lots of veggies, some fish. And we
    know they're healthy.

    -xx- Damien X-)

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