Re: Homeschooling

From: Lee Daniel Crocker (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 10:29:16 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Daniel Crocker: "Re: Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?"

    > (Anders Sandberg <>):
    >> ...we ended up skipping two years of high school and starting
    >> college at F.I.T. at age 16. That option worked great for the
    >> mind, but horrible for our social development. Sixteen-year old
    >> males on campus were freaks, nerds and did not fit in well.

    I think this is mostly a myth, and a very dangerous one. Geeks
    tend to be social misfits /regardless/ of their surroundings. My
    parents took the route of keeping me with my age-peers rather than
    advancing me early, and (1) I was just as much an outcast then,
    and am just as socially retarded now as I might have been had I
    advanced, and (2) I sleep-walked through most of school and didn't
    learn a damned thing I didn't know already.

    Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
    "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past,
    are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified
    for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC

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