RE: FITNESS: Diet and Exercise

From: Barbara Lamar (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 22:27:28 MDT

  • Next message: "Paul Davies V. The Multiverse"

    To continue the discussion about human hunters. gts claims that early humans
    and pre-humans got a large % of their calories from meat. I said I found it
    difficult to believe that creatures with either no hunting gear, or with
    nothing more sophisticated than spears, could kill enough meat to get a
    large % of their calories that way. (I don't believe that gts was arguing
    that humans got a large % of their calories from chewing on scavenged bones)

    The cultures that come immediately to my mind when I think of getting a
    large % of calories from meat are the various groups collectively known as
    Eskimo people. Here's what a quick search turns up on those cultures:


    Hunting technologies included several types of harpoons, the bow and arrow,
    knives, and fish spears and weirs.

    Particularly when compared to other hunting and gathering populations,
    Eskimo groups were justly famous for elaborate technologies




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