RE: IRAQ: Predictable catastrophes of human stupidity

From: Keith Elis (
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 08:31:35 MDT

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    Yudkowsky on the looting:

    > I see that troops have actually been ordered to crack
    > down now. So someone intelligent is on the scene. I guess that's a
    > of hope.

    The CENTCOM staff had to sit down and rethink it's war-time rules of
    engagement to provide concrete guidelines to the troops on the ground.
    Should our troops use deadly force to stop looting? If not, what level
    of force is appropriate? Answering these questions takes some time, and
    not a little bit of sensitivity to the current international political
    situation. Personally, I think the latest reports that CENTCOM has
    decentralized the issue and left it to the discretion of ground
    commanders is as good a solution as any at this point. Once again Franks
    has kept the President from an almost certain black eye. This
    geopolitical dice roll is being rigged by the military for a win. It
    remains to be seen whether the President's gamble pays out the way he's
    hoping (Middle East stability, oil price stability, re-election,
    historical vindication), but if it doesn't, I suspect it won't be
    because our military botched it for him. Anyway, if this event makes
    things worse for the world, at least Americans have hydrogen cars to
    look forward to.

    Predictable Catastrophe of Human Stupidity follows:

    Based on Schwarzenegger's recent meeting with Karl Rove we can deduce
    several things: Arnie will be CA governor in 2-3 years. His bid for
    President will be successful in 2008. Funding for Lockheed Martin's
    prototype battle exoskeleton will be scrapped in favor of Arnie's plan
    for hydrogen-powered endoskeletal augmentations. General Dynamics
    changes it's name to Skynet, Inc. in 2010 and begins development. Arnie
    volunteers for the first endoskeletal implants in 2011. His enhanced
    campaigning abilities ensure his re-election. Many die. Augmentations
    complete, he declares war on the Federated States of IntelMicrosoft, and
    becomes the first commander-in-chief to actually lead American troops
    into battle. Bill Gates captured and forced to participate in televised
    deathmatch against augmented professional wrestlers. Televised
    deathmatch becomes a popular series. In 2013, amidst plunging approval
    ratings Arnie heads to Rome and faces off against Russell Crowe in the
    series finale. This story shall the good man teach his son.


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