Re: POLITICS [&WAR]: Neo-Conservative policies and power

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 03:01:45 MDT

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: Are we doomed yet?"

    Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

    > I'll even concede that benefiting the people of Iraq is probably not
    > our major motivation for removing its government. After all, there are
    > other despots--even such monsters as Pol Pot, who made Hussein look like
    > a boy scout--who we did not choose to remove. But even with all that
    > conceded, it is still a dishonest rhetorical trick to say that we are
    > in fact attacking the people of Iraq, when we are doing no such thing.

    I think what you are saying here is a dishonest rhetorical
    trick. Our reason for invading Iraq is no more regime change
    than it is benefitting the people of Iraq than it is WMD. So to
    now act as if regime change and therefore an attack on
    government is the sole or the real motive sufficiently to say we
    were only attacking a government seems quite inaccurate to say
    the least. We want control of that region for economic and
    geo-political reasons. We also want to send a message to other
    countries to toe our line. There is a lot more going on than an
    attack on a particular government and a lot more suffers the
    consequences than just the government. When a country is
    invaded the entire country is invaded including the homes, peace
    and safety of the people of that country. To pretend otherwise
    is dishonest.

    - samantha

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