Re: Fwd: Question re: Bad ideas from Microsoft et al...

From: Hal Finney (
Date: Wed Apr 09 2003 - 13:24:29 MDT

  • Next message: Robert J. Bradbury: "re: [Somewhat IRAQ/POLITICS] Commentary on the life of Michael Kelly"

    I think that much of the information floating around about Trusted
    Computing technology is incorrect or misleading. I first learned about
    this stuff last year when some of the early alarmist reports came out.
    I studied the TCPA spec, bought a book on TCPA, and I've learned what
    I could about Microsoft's Palladium, although there has been less
    information about that.

    Let me explain what is Trusted Computing (TC) and basically how it works.
    The idea is to set up a computer so that a third party not sitting in
    front of it can trust how it will behave. This does not mean that the
    third party owns the computer or has complete control over it. It means
    that he can become convinced that the computer is going to behave in a
    predictable way. That means in practice that he can be convinced about
    what program it is going to run, and that the program has a certain
    immunity to having its code or data inspected or changed.

    Let's talk about uploads for a moment before I go into detail about TC.
    Suppose you were an upload, and were about to transfer your program to
    a remote system. You'd be putting yourself at the mercy of the owner
    of that system, wouldn't you? Suppose he turned out to be malicious,
    and wanted to inflict pain, or turn you into a slave. How could you
    protect yourself against that?

    TC is how. You'd need to gain assurance that the remote computer was
    running a standard, well-understood and well-behaved program that would
    receive your data and run it unmolested. You would need to *trust* the
    remote computer to behave in a *specified manner*. That is precisely
    the mission statement for Trusted Computing!

    Now I'll say more about how TC works. As I said, the goal is to be able
    to assure a remote system that a particular program is running and that
    the program can protect itself and its data.

    The way this is achieved is via some secure hardware associated with the
    computer, which has a few functions. One is that the hardware can take a
    "fingerprint" (a cryptographic hash) of software which will use the secure
    functionality. This fingerprint can be used in a couple of ways. First,
    it can be reported via a cryptographic signature to remote machines.
    This is what allows the remote machines to be convinced about what program
    is running - because they learn the digital fingerprint of the software.
    And second, this fingerprint can be used to "lock" (encrypt) data, such
    that the data can only be decryped by the same program running with
    the same fingerprint. No other program, or no altered version of this
    program, can decrypt the data.

    Two points follow from this, which I will explain further in a moment.
    The first is that this suffices to achieve many of the goals of TC,
    including protection of sensitive content, digital rights management, and
    more immunity to viruses. And the second is that it is *not* necessary
    for Microsoft or anyone else to approve or limit the programs which can
    run in this trusted mode. Microsoft cannot shut down programs or delete
    files off of trusted computers. There is no need for them to have this
    ability in order to achieve the goals of trusted computing.

    The way in which this functionality achieves the goals of TC is by
    letting third parties know what program is running. Keep in mind that
    this doesn't mean they can snoop on your system arbitrarily; rather,
    your programs can prove to remote servers what is running, by asking
    the secure hardware to send a cryptographically signed message that
    describes the fingerprint of the running program. This allows, for
    example, a content server to only download content to programs that it
    trusts to handle the content reliably. It allows a government security
    agency to similarly require that, say, email is only exchanged between
    secure email programs, because each one can check what program is running
    at the other side and refuse to connect to it.

    Another app might be for an online game, the server can make sure that
    each user is running a "legal" game client and not one that cheats.
    Auction services could use similar technology. Likewise for SETI@Home
    and similar semi-competitive distributed computing efforts, which have
    been plagued by cheaters. This could also be a foundation for more
    commercial forms of distributed computing, where sensitive calculations
    could be farmed out to end-user computers, and the distributors would
    have greater assurance that users couldn't get access to the data that
    they were being paid to process, or falsely claim that they were owed
    for work they hadn't done.

    As far as viruses, the idea is that once a program has locked some data,
    if a virus comes along and infects another program, it won't be able to
    get access to the data. Even if it infects the same program that locked
    it, that will change its fingerprint and so not even that program will
    be able to get at the data. This won't stop viruses but it could limit
    the damage they could cause.

    For the second point above, the claim that only Microsoft-approved code
    will run, note that all that is necessary is for the TC hardware to be
    able to take a hash of the program, and to report it. Programs that use
    this functionality do not have to be signed by Microsoft or anyone else.
    Even though we may call these "trusted" programs, they don't have any
    special powers. The sense in which they are "trusted" is that they can
    get their hashes reported elsewhere, so that those people can decide
    whether to trust them.

    There is no central party who decides which programs are trusted. Rather,
    each application area, even each individual user, would ultimately decide
    whether to trust a program for a particular purpose. And these judgements
    are made with respect to programs running on *other people's* computers.
    I would get to decide whether I want to trust a program running on your
    computer for some purpose, and vice versa. Sony would get to decide
    whether to trust a program running on your computer for downloading
    its music catalog. Maxis would get to decide whether to trust the Sims
    software running on your computer for connecting to its game server.

    Each computer makes its own decision about who to trust. It's not
    Microsoft, for indeed, the potential scope of this technology is so
    large that it would hardly be possible for Microsoft to decide for each
    program whether or not it was in some sense "trustworthy". They want this
    to be used in a big way. Having to do a code review for each program
    would increase their costs enormously, would open them up to liability,
    and is completely unnecessary in order to achieve the properties of
    Trusted Computing.

    Based on my understanding of the technology, there is no need to fear
    that uploads running on a Palladium system would imply that Microsoft
    "owned" all the people and could kill them at any time. The ability
    to take a secure fingerprint of a program does not imply the ability to
    kill the program! TC as I understand it is a technology for information
    protection, not for destruction. It allows applications to extend trust
    to remote systems, and to save their data immune from molestation by
    other programs.

    Obviously the story I have told here is very much at odds with what
    you will have heard about TCPA/Palladium/NGSCB elsewhere on the net.
    I can't really account for that discrepancy. I don't understand why my
    reading of the technology's properties and capabilities is so different
    from everyone else's. It's possible that there are non-public documents
    which paint a much more sinister picture. All I can say is that based
    on the public information, TC works as I have described it here.


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