Re: Nanoengineered Astronomical Optics

Date: Tue Apr 08 2003 - 10:29:46 MDT

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    Damien Broderick intoned:
    <<Damien Broderick
    [I never saw an M-Brain star
    I'm hoping still to see one
    And I can tell yah, anyhar,
    I'd rather be than see one] >>

    There once was a man from Sidney
    who said: Yes, I have the Kidney
    to become, Post Mortal
    he said, with a chorttle,
    and then the Solar System can be rid o' me!

    There once was a man from Melborne
    who said, even though I ain't well-born
    I'm becomming Post Human
    To blast away the gloom, and...
    The rest of you buggers can be hell-borne!

    We don't need no stinkin badges, or no iambic pentameter either

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