Re: mind boggling energy burst

From: spike66 (
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 23:14:20 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Sullivan: "Re: Social Security and other Pyramid Schemes (was Help with a Minimum Wage Model)"

    Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
    > On Mon, 7 Apr 2003, nanowave wrote:
    >>"During the first minute after the [hypernova] explosion it emitted energy
    >>at a rate more than a million times the combined output of all the stars in
    >>the Milky Way...
    > Such a gosh darn friggen waste -- take a clever engineer like Spike
    > and I'm absolutely certain that he could figure out something extropic
    > to do with all that matter and energy... Robert

    Not a waste at all, Robert, for now we *are* doing something
    extropic with the matter that was created in those ancient
    supernovae. Furthermore, *some* of the energy thus released
    is being used for creating extropy, since it is collected
    by our astronomical instruments, converted to electrons,
    subsequently pondered by our greatest astronomers' minds,
    converted to memes, which ultimately result in a new cosmic
    awareness of our lonely place in this vast universe. This
    represents the first example ever in the brief history of
    time, as far as we know for certain, that supernovae really
    *are* producing extropy.


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