Re: Changing ones mind

From: Robert J. Bradbury (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 19:39:54 MST

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "Re: If Magick Exists (was RE: Ideological blinders)"

    On Thu, 3 Apr 2003, Lee Daniel Crocker wrote:

    > I pretty much always toed the LP party line about "privacy"
    > and never thought much about it until I encountered discussions
    > here about Brin's book and other work along those lines.

    Lee, could you cite which of Brin's works you are thinking
    about? I'm not familiar with them all and am having problems
    placing the reference. [Thanks].

    > It wasn't so much a matter of changing my opinions, but of
    > being induced to think more carefully about something I hadn't
    > before, and winding up coming to conclusions I hadn't expected.

    Ah-ha -- so this (in my speak) isn't a case of "changing ones mind"
    it is a case of "transforming the believer". You did not adopt
    a different set of ideas -- you became a person in which the
    old ideas could not survive (i.e. you lost the base of support
    for those memes).

    > Minds that can't change are broken.

    *Unless* they just happen to be right.


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