RE: [Iraq] More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 17:42:05 MST

  • Next message: Harvey Newstrom: "RE: Decline of Social Capital caused by increased diversity?"

    John K Clark wrote,
    > I demonstrate to the best of my ability that topic A is
    > untrue, I sincerely
    > believe that it is idiotic to believe topic A, Mr. X
    > nevertheless believes
    > in topic A, I call Mr. X an idiot. I have addressed the topic
    > and I don't
    > see where the fraud and deception is, after all, believing in
    > idiotic things
    > is what idiots do.

    There is no ad hominem in your example. You are merely name-calling.

    Ad hominem would have been if you DIDN'T demonstrate that topic A is untrue.
    If, instead, you merely asserted that because Mr. X is an idiot, we know his
    claim about topic A is untrue, that would have been ad hominem.

    See the difference? Name-calling is not the same as ad hominem. Ad hominem
    is name-calling instead of refuting the evidence. If you refute the
    evidence correctly and then call the person names, that is not ad hominem.

    Harvey Newstrom, CISSP, IAM, GSEC

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