Re: Can we have a civilization please?

From: jfbusby (
Date: Wed Mar 26 2003 - 08:34:01 MST

  • Next message: Amara Graps: "Re: Spreading better memes (Re: Can Extropianism and Islam coexist?)"

    Well said.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Brett Paatsch" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 5:13 PM
    Subject: Can we have a civilization please?

    > Extropes,
    > This list brings together thoughtful intelligent people from
    > different parts of the world all of whom have some things
    > in common. I don't know that everybody that posts
    > here would chose to describe themselves as an extropian
    > but I do suspect that most would find some resonance with
    > the ExI Principles or with the discussions that normally take
    > place here, otherwise why would they be here?R
    > Personally I don't think that people who have an affinity with
    > the Extropian Principles are going to see their aspirations
    > fulfilled by looking to find an oasis from the realities of the
    > wider world but similarly we here are for the most part not
    > the prime instigators of the problems most of us see in that
    > wider world either. Let's make our points, lets be critical
    > of society, of policy and of our own ideas, but let's not forget
    > that simply because we talk mostly about what we disagree
    > about, there is a great deal that we do agree about.
    > Let's say for argument sake that a particular future that
    > crystallised is one where radical life extension does not arrive
    > in time for this generation to be "immortalised" without a period
    > of "dormancy" or "stasis". That instead intelligent technology is
    > trawling through the records of conversations had on the internet
    > with a view to deciding which folks should be "re-animated" first
    > or even can be safely "re-animated" at all. In a time when the
    > current circumstances of the world have moved on and all that
    > that intelligence is looking for is the way we conducted ourselves
    > in that time would the posts that we make now stand in our
    > favour then?R
    > It is one thing to imagine a beneficent future intelligence willing to
    > give its predecessors a chance at further experience. Its quite
    > another to imagine that that intelligence would want to re-
    > activate every single vector of bigotry, small-mindedness and
    > meanness.
    > I am not saying that that is what is being evidenced on this list,
    > or indeed other lists whose participants are finding themselves
    > engaging on the issues of the day with more than the usual amount
    > of emotion and vitriol. I am saying that what we say is going onto
    > a record and we might do well to consider that.
    > On this list we are networked in some ways into the realities of
    > each other. Current circumstances being emotionally charged
    > provide excellent opportunities to learn, to better understand and
    > to look for solutions.
    > Civilization is a bootstrapping process. Let's find ways to be part
    > of the forward momentum and try not to be part of the drag.
    > Regard,
    > Brett Paatsch
    > Ps: Now I really am off (not just the soapbox) but for the
    > weekend.

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