Re: More enthusiasm than news in Fox's coverage of war

Date: Fri Mar 28 2003 - 21:44:39 MST

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    Gts stated:
    <<By the way, I sent a message a couple of hours ago in which I stated that
    my opinion FOX News is a news network designed by and for morons. I hope you
    don't think I was referring specifically to you. I just have some pretty
    strong feelings about this subject. I think bias in the media should be
    investigated and exposed.

    People will own their own opinions on who is a moron or not. Most often,
    complicated issues makes morons of us all; yet we take our stand and do the
    best we can. Tangentially, it has been cited in a psychological study of
    expertise (Harvard?), that most of those people who think they are brilliant,
    ain't. Conversely, many of those who are more cautious in their self-esteem,
    tended to be apptituidnally, sharper. I like Fox as a determined
    counter-balance to the "major networks" and CNN which I have monitored to
    frequently have a Liberal-Bias on foreign policy. FoxNews has a
    Conservative-Rightist bias on foreign policy, and it is there that I find
    myself most in tune with.

    <<I was a subscriber to the National Review for a long time, and still read
    when I have the opportunity. I have a great deal of respect for William F.
    Buckley. He seems to understand the important distinction between freedom
    politics and GOP politics. For example he breaks with the GOP in his
    opposition to the War on Drugs.>>

    Buckley is cool, and this is someone who in the recent past, disdained the
    man completely. The writers of National Review are among the best
    editorialists, I have ever read. A close second, for punditry, would be the
    Weekly Standard, for clairity of analysis. The war on drugs is a spasmodic
    and cynical reaction for control, which my former philosphy professor, of
    many years ago; stated that is what all people want. I have yet to disagree
    with him on that matter. He was a big follower of Sarte, whom I still find,

    I see the need for advocacy journalism, is a world of news reportage' that
    has such a short memory, and never seems to wish to act on behalf of American

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