Re: [IRAQ]:Human Nature

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 17:19:39 MST

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: Libertarian theory breaking down (was Re: [WAR]: Does *anybody* read ...)"

    Nathanael Allison wrote:

    > Is thier a term for all false value systems that are sold to people?
    > Such as cultural value systems, media value systems, military value
    > systems ect. The word propaganda really only refers to media.
    > I use the term value system meaning a system designed to bring about
    > certain emotional responses to a certain stimuli. What is the correct
    > terminology here?

    Do you believe there are true value systems? How do you
    distinquish true from false value systems? Perhaps that will
    give a clue as to what to term the un-true or less than true
    value systems. Do you believe the truth of a value system is
    binary or that you can intellectually fully analyze and judge a
    value system? We get into interesting questions quickly here.

    > All these memes that control emotion control people. All these value
    > systems have been sorted out to fit the mold of america. They haven't
    > been chosen but natural selected. In theory, we have been taught what is
    > positive emotional response and what is a negative emotional response.
    > We have been taught to fit this mold of america. It has become our
    > Nature. Although a very flexible mold it is still a mold. It has a range
    > of possible outcomes to shape it's citizens. Such ranges only come to
    > light when the media turns the tide too quickly.
    > How much of this is true?

    What are you including in "media"? What is normally included
    excludes a lot of the means of transmitting and perfecting meme
    infestations. What is normally included is increasing the voice
    of a few large players and the voice of what the government
    wishes to be believed. It is usually quite empty of any real
    values or at least of unambiguous mention of same. It is a
    tissue of assumptions, rationalizations and manipulations.

    - samantha

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