Re: Business [WAR] Plan (was: Re:Libertarian theory breaking down)

Date: Fri Mar 21 2003 - 12:25:00 MST

  • Next message: matus: "RE: Hit the Road, Jacques"

    From: "Alex Future Bokov" <>
    X-Mailer: YaBB

    [quote from: Eliezer on 2003-03-21 at 11:52:35]
    Hm. I foresee the richest individual(s) in the region making threats of
    airstrikes against all parties too poor to launch a retaliatory airstrike.
    Since the airstrike doesn't need to be carried out, except perhaps for
    one or two examples, this should provide a steady revenue stream for the
    individuals rich enough to afford airstrikes, but the airstrike company
    itself will eventually go bankrupt, perhaps being bought out by the

    What would push it into bankruptcy? It keeps the cash even if the funds never
    acchieve threshold levels. Conversely, what would be the revenue stream of the
    despots? Blackmailing the people? Why would the people pay the middlemen when
    they can go straight to the violence-management agent and put money into their
    anti-strike and MAD funds?

    [quote from: Eliezer on 2003-03-21 at 11:52:35]
    violence monopolists. Similarly, the rich individual could launch a
    preemptive strike at any poor individuals who showed signs of clubbing up
    to buy a strike at the rich individual.

    It's a lot more expensive for one agent to actually launch multiple strikes
    than for multiple agents to contribute to one strike fund. In the big picture,
    your ability to attack/defend is a function of how much wealth you have. The
    assumption of a market is that though there will be rich and poor, the force
    of numbers will be in equilibrium with individual wealth and the overall
    'will' of society is triangulated. The violence industry doesn't efficiently
    reflect society's 'will' at this time, because it is almost entirely composed
    of state monopolies.

    [quote from: Eliezer on 2003-03-21 at 11:52:35]
    Looks just like our same old world to me.

    A number of important differences. One of which is that in our world,
    airstrikes are an all-or-none proposition with a tremendous cost of entry and
    no option of fractional airstrikes. Nor is automated retaliation currently
    available to ordinary individuals.

    Also, the lone-nut dilemma will be something we'll have to face
    eventually. Might as well start the learning curve now, before even more
    destructive weapons will become even more widely available to individuals.

    Come to think of it, in the current world, it might be instructive to figure
    out what social/game-theory/psychological forces prevent people living in
    areas with lax gun laws (e.g. TX) from actually going out and killing each
    other indiscriminately in huge numbers. Figure that one out, and you'll be one
    step closer to figuring out what will keep people from grey-gooing each other
    to death.

    This message was posted by Alex Future Bokov to the Extropians 2003 board on ExI BBS.

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