Re: weapons of mass panic

From: spike66 (
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 10:17:18 MST

  • Next message: spike66: "Re: weapons of mass panic (IRAQ-related)" wrote:
    > Spike,
    > Thanks for the reply.
    > One very unfortunate thing is that I live in downtown San Francisco!

    Ah, local boy.

    > Dorothy said there just ainn't no place like home...

    But she was full of baloney Erik. I vacationed in
    Kansas last year, there are thousands of places
    indistinguishable from that flying shack Dorothy
    lived in. I couldn't tell one dive from another
    there. If she were to be completely accurate, she
    should have said "...There's no place with the same
    GPS coordinates as home..." But then you have that
    time dimension thing, so maybe that wouldn't work
    either, and besides I don't think they even had
    GPS in those days.

    > SF brings _together_ many people who think
    > like I do. Sure I can find them on the Internet, but in the boonies
    > "thars alotta rednecks" :-) Erik

    Roger that. I foresee a future when the boonies
    exist only on some other planet. spike

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