more stupid legislative tricks to bring on early death, disability and suffering

From: Reason (
Date: Thu Feb 27 2003 - 21:57:55 MST

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: Please include "IRAQ" keyword!"

    We're one short debate and vote away from a major hit to life extension

    This sort of stuff really makes me mad. I mean, government agents really
    don't have to *prove* that they can kill a whole bunch of people through the
    machinations of a State and human nature. Theraputic cloning is currently
    criminalized in France, and well on the way to being criminalized in the US.

    Last paragraph of this pretty much says it all:

    "Future generations will look back at the beginning of the 21st century with
    astonishment that some very well meaning and intelligent people actually
    wanted to stop biomedical research just to protect their cramped and limited
    vision of human nature. They will look back, I predict, and thank us for
    making their world of longer, healthier lives possible."

    It's lunacy. Self-destructive, murderous lunacy, egged on by the likes of
    deathists such as Kass and Fukuyama. (They're more than deathists -- they
    advocate that everyone be forced to suffer and become crippled too). If
    unchecked this is lunacy that will kill most of us. Once legislation like
    this passes, it can be decades before it's repealed.

    Gloomy, angry, fist-thumping-desk sort of day.


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