Re: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.

From: John K Clark (
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 11:22:31 MST

  • Next message: "Re: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C."

    "Kai M. Becker" <>

    > The answer to this [is the war a good idea]will very much depend
    > on (1) who you ask

    I'm the one who asked the question so obviously you ask me

    > and (2) when do you ask.

    I think I'll know if it was a good idea or not in about a year.

    > So, how would you define "foreign policy mistake"?

    I wouldn't, I don't like definitions, I like examples. Vietnam was one, so
    was scraping the ABM treaty, so was not going all the way to Baghdad in 1991
    during the first gulf war, so was treating Israel like the 51'st state. Not
    fighting a war in Afghanistan one year ago is fortunately a mistake that was
    not made.

    > And BTW, the fact that some person should be removed from
    >power doesn't automatically justify the use of military force
    >against this person

    Because Saddam has a "right" to remain dictator of Iraq?

    > If that would be the case, Mr. Bush should be very, very careful.

    Why? With a "right" and 50 cents you could buy yourself a Coke. You'd need
    more than a "right" to remove Mr. Bush from power with military force, you'd
    need , well, military force.

        John K Clark

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