RE: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Thu Feb 20 2003 - 17:11:12 MST

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Meta: A new proposal Re: META: Banning Iraq discussion"

    Well, you'd want to overcome it because its an evolved response, suitable
    for split second behaviour guidance in individual life threatening
    situations. It's really truly not suitable as a guide for international
    relations. Some people think the neo-cortex might be appropriately used in
    the latter context.


    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: John K Clark []
    > Sent: Friday, 21 February 2003 4:29
    > To:
    > Subject: Re: IRAQ sort of: Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.
    > "Hubert Mania" <>
    > > "reptile brain", regulate your alertness when your
    > personal territory
    > >seems to be attacked. [.] The slightest threatening is answered by
    > tightly wired
    > >behaviour with almost no options left.
    > It's called the fight or flight response. The trouble in the present
    > circumstance it is no clear where to run away to and that
    > limits options.
    > >This is a very powerful ancient evolutionary program. Difficult to
    > >overcome.
    > Why would you want to overcome it? Over the last 600 million
    > years or so
    > ever since brains were invented the algorithm has proved
    > itself to have
    > considerable survival value.
    > John K Clark

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