Re: Tim May calls for nuking of D.C.

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 23:40:28 MST

  • Next message: "If Tim May got his wish"

    Mike Lorrey:

    > Every left wing nutjob that gets wasted helping the Iraqis commit war
    > crimes will be doing their part to reducing the erosion of the
    > integrity of the republic by removing their corrosive presence from our
    > body politic... I promise to nominate anyone who goes to Iraq for this
    > purpose for posthumous Darwin Awards. You are certainly worth the effort.

    Sure the human shield idea is ridiculous and there ARE a bunch of lunatics
    in the peace movement.But you can't do away with lots of millions of
    people demonstrating against the war last weekend. People like Tim May and
    the human shield supporters are an extremely insignificant voice within this

    You falcons do not seem to realize that the US will be an aggressor no
    how terrible Sadam is. It is against international law to invade a country
    under the given circumstances. And the way the Bush administration
    disregards the objections of the rest of the world is unbearable. Don't you
    see, that the US is internationally isolated , not Germany or France.

    The true war criminals will be Bush and Rumsfeld when the rally is over.
    People will be shot in the head, their limbs will be torn apart, their guts
    will fall out. Desert Storm One: approximately 300.000 Iraqis dead. No true
    democratic nation can get away with this kind of aggression. I sincerely
    hope that Bush and Rumsfeld and their submissive ally states will be dragged
    in front of the Hague tribunal and be punished and thrown in prison. But no:
    Bush will be reelected and the murderers receive an enthusiastic parade on
    their return home.

    Now THAT is really sickening to know

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