Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 21:46:02 MST
From: "" <>
X-Mailer: YaBB
As y'all might have figured from my prior posting on current automotive
computer tools, I finally broke down and bought a PDA. This is so, I bought
a Handspring Visor Pro, which ain't the latest and greatest, but it has
the Springboard port that I need for my mechanics tools like my Palm Scope
occilloscope unit.
The Palm Scope is very interesting. Not only does it allow you to monitor two
separate voltage channels at once, it has pre-programmed tests for dozens of
different engine sensors and other components like injectors, etc.
Since the Visor came in the other day, I've been playing with it, loading more
software on it, etc. like iSilo and PDABrowser, as well as publications like
CIA world fact book, US Army survival manual, MySQL manual, Teach Yourself SQL
in 21 days, among other things.
Those with entertaining eBooks are encouraged to toss me any freeware
At this point, I am planning on developing an app for the Visor that will
interface via a wireless (WiFi 802.11b) card to the hardwired Greyhound
network through which we enter labor, parts, fuel, and other things into the
MCMS maintenance software located in Dallas.
Those with experience in Palm data programming are requested to pass on any
tips and tricks, recommendations, etc. The MCMS software is apparently a
COBOL server app we access via an IBM terminal emulator running in windows. I
have the option of having my app load a data file to a specified directory on
the server in Dallas or else do it the hard way of having it try to run the
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