RE: FWD [fort] Re: The 'Evolution' controversy - a practical suggestion?

From: Rafal Smigrodzki (
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 11:53:58 MST

  • Next message: "$300 rocket goes into "space"" wrote:
    > suggestion?
    > "ArchD'Ikon Zibethicus" wrote, Mon Feb 17;
    > All those quotes regarding doubts about evolution got me to
    > thinking -specifically, the quote which asserted that no species,
    > not even Drosophila, has even been observed changing into another
    > species...
    > Wouldn't it be possible, at least theoretically, to actually _test_
    > this empirically?
    > Given Drosophila's rapid rate of mutation, could one not isolate a
    > population and...I dunno...say repeatedly expose them to radiation
    > or some other stress...heavily alkaline water supply,
    > something...then allow a few generations to survive and breed among
    > themselves. Then one attempts to breed them with an un-mutated
    > control population.
    > If the mutant Drosophila couldn't interbreed with the control, but
    > could interbreed with themselves, isn't that one of the determinants
    > of species status?
    > Or am I missing something profoundly obvious here?
    > That's a perfectly logical and reasonable suggestion; and is in fact
    > exactly what those decades of "failed" experiments, producing
    > mutants by using x-rays and other external what-nots, were all
    > about. As a consquence of all that scientific effort, the
    > tautology "survival of the fittest" should have been replaced with
    > the much more accurate slogan "rejection of the mutants" as a proper
    > foundation for naturalism. But that would have totally undermined
    > the evolutionary principle, and spoilt the whole established social
    > order; which is running along very profitably without those sort of
    > disruptive heresies, thank you very much.
    > What wasn't understood until quite recently, but is now throughly
    > established, is that every organism, without exception, is totally
    > integrated (like your PC) and all its parts must work together for
    > it to function. (You can't fly on 2% of a wing). Built into the
    > data-base of every organism therefore, are instructions to reject
    > ANY disruptive mutation -- THE VERY MUTATIONS on which neo-Darwinist
    > theory DEPENDS for evolution to occur. And let's be clear about
    > this - the drosophila experiments showed that ALL mutations are
    > disruptive and are automatically rejected unless they are part of a
    > totally integrated redesign of the entire organism.
    > A drosophila in the ointment.
    > The very changes that scientists failed to achieve with their x-ray
    > zappings of drosophila happened over and over in real life in
    > Hawaii, with hundreds of variations (species) developing in
    > isolation from a few original types.
    > This is one of the best and clearest examples of "micro-evolution",
    > often used to support the Darwinist theory. The other equally
    > appropriate description is "variations WITHIN a kind", because the
    > most certain finding of modern genetics is that "macro-evolution"
    > (Darwinism) is a scientific impossibility. Fish cannot become
    > squirrels. Genetic information boundaries are fixed. Apes can't
    > become humans.
    > So the fruit-flies in Hawaii, just like the Galapagos finches, and
    > EVERYTHING ELSE - ever, could only diversify en bloc, complete and
    > whole and fully functioning, into a variation of fruit-fly. But not
    > into a toad, a bat, or a butterfly.
    > I'm pushing nobody's barrow - there is a consistency here though;
    > which is, that just as the demography of the human race can be
    > reasonably traced back in a graph to a single family point a few
    > thousand years ago, so the same can be applied to "micro-evolution".
    > To take parrots as an example; the huge diversity of hundreds of
    > modern parrot species of different colour, size and behaviour can be
    > seen as spin-offs of just a few originals during the last few
    > thousand years, (following the Hawaiian drosophila example) and
    > further, we can logically trace them all back to an original pair on
    > the shoulder of captain Noah, if we so wish.
    > We need to enquire into the mechanism of re-writes of "complete" new
    > species --Darwin's incremental change fails - and everything that
    > hangs on it.
    > vadar
    > Take off your skepticles.
    > It is very easy to see that most of the theoretic science of the
    > 19th century was only a relation of reaction against theologic
    > dogma, and has no more to do with Truth than has a wave that bounds
    > back from a shore. Or, if a shop girl, or you or I, should pull out
    > a piece of chewing gum about a yard long, that would be quite as
    > scientific a performance as was the stretching of this earth's age
    > several hundred millions of years.
    > --Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned

    ### All baloney.

    Evolution, micro, macro and in-between, is a fact. Discussing opposing views
    is a waste of time.



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