Re: War with Iceland?

From: Kai Becker (
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 01:55:11 MST

  • Next message: Brett Paatsch: "Re: Propaganda, farther and farther from the truth"

    Am Dienstag, 18. Februar 2003 04:28 schrieb Emlyn O'regan:
    > Sadaam and his cohorts in Al Qaeda? What a curious statement. As far as
    > I am aware, they are enemies.

    So it seems. Saddam has killed every opposition, especially muslim
    activists. But if the military pressure gets stronger, who can tell what
    strange coalitions will be forged. There are dozens, if not hundreds of
    small to medium paramilitary groups in Iraq fighting since decades. At
    least three large factions of kurdish militia against each other, some
    handfull of smaller kurdish groups, several muslim groups, iraqi military
    and so on. All against all, daily coalitions and breach of coalitions.
    Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and other sources are financing

    It's easy to see why even US intelligence agencies haven't found a proof
    for collaboration between Saddam and muslim extremists: They don't have a
    clue what's really going on when it doesn't show on their satellite

    Oh, by the way: According to a news report in german TV on Sunday
    (Weltspiegel), the Iraqi military has parked tanks in civilian housing
    areas near the turkish border. Mainily to keep the local kurds and
    relocated Iraqis[1] under control, as one kurd militia man said, but
    every invasion army will have to "neutralize" these. I would be more than
    surprised, if this will not cause a mass murder of civilians. And these
    civilians mostly can not leave the area, becuase the iraqi troops won't
    let them.


    [1] Iraq expels all kurds suspected to be part of the opposition and
    relocates iraqi people from the south against their will into the free
    houses. The regime calls this "arabization". There are large kurdish
    refugee camps on the turkish side of the border. Guess what these people
    will do when the Iraqi military is gone.

        == Kai M. Becker == == Bremen, Germany ==
      "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced"

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