Re: Giant anti-war demonstrations in Oz and abroad (was RE: Giant ant i-war d...

Date: Mon Feb 17 2003 - 12:15:49 MST

  • Next message: "Re: Bush budget has 0 dollars for Afghanistan"

    I would say the thread was about Power rather then democracy.
    But let us treat this as a thought experiment and deal with conclusions and
    goals, realistically, one hopes.

    I asked earlier, if we Ami's are so rotten, given the resistance of
    involvement in other areas where massacres might have been alleviated; what
    our the opponents of a new American empire going to do about it? My question
    is how can you enforce, what will you do to punish, what will you do to

    Can you compel the Americans to throw George Bush Jr. into prison? How might
    this be actually accomplished? Would you guess that foreign protests will
    influence American policy in a way that pleases you?

    Yours in Cthulu,

    Humania opined:
    <<So, this mail exchange between you and Kai was about democracy, right? I
    remember one very young guy at the Berlin rally this weekend, where 500.000
    people protested against a war on Iraq, maybe he was 19 or 20. He carried a
    poster that said: "Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity". When a
    reporter asked him about his political stance he said: "I believe in
    democracy. That's what my parents learned from the USA. And if my trust in
    the American democracy is justified, George Troubleyou Bush will end his life
    in a prison as a war criminal."
    Mitch, you see, we Germans have learned our lesson and do oppose governments
    who are about to commit a crime with a preemptive war.

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