Re: Censorship in publishing

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Feb 16 2003 - 14:52:53 MST

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Media Bias"

    Robert J. Bradbury wrote:
    > Journal Editors to Consider U.S. Security in Publishing
    > Feb. 16, 2003, by Amy Harmon:
    > "More than 20 leading scientific journals have made a pact to censor
    > articles that they believe could compromise national security,
    > regardless of their scientific merit."
    > Scary times indeed.

    What kills me is that we are making "these times" much scarier
    times than they are or need to be. We take one or a handfull of
    actual terrorist incidents and blow them up to terrorist hiding
    behind every woodpile! We take these few incidents and start
    living our lifes out of deep Fear and in reaction.

    Our dreams, our lives, our hopes cannot be served by such
    reaction. It is not news in the least that information and
    knowledge can be used for bad purposes as well as for good. We
    don't stop living, working, sharing, communicating just because
    someone somehwere might do something terrible with what we
    contribute. That way is the way of death. That way is the way
    that the terrorists would have us walk. If we go that way then
    the terrorists win.

    I am not in at all afraid of terrorism. I am afraid of the deep
    and needless fear that threatens to crush our hopes and dreams
    at the very moment of their birth.

    - samantha

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