White Doves Over Bhagdad (was Re: Giant anti-war demonstration in Melbourne)

From: Hubert Mania (humania@t-online.de)
Date: Fri Feb 14 2003 - 11:39:10 MST

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "RE: more skyhooks"

    Robert wrote:

    > Everyone is careful to say that they do not support Saddam Hussein but
    > nobody seems to have a concrete plan for getting rid of him.

    I have a plan called "White Doves over Bhagdad". Considering global
    positioning system (GPS) and three feet precision of a cruise missile it
    should be possible to get some hollywood technicians to build an armada of
    white GPS doves, stuff their belly with a micro engine, some camera and
    some conventional plastic explosive material. The doves should be looking
    pretty natural, so you start them off a destroyer and let them fly
    "peacefully" with remote control until they reach Bhagdad.

    They should be able to move their wings as naturally as
    possible so they won't attract attention. They could fly unto the
    window-sills of all the bathrooms in Saddams palace, sit there, and execute
    their cooing- and picking program while observing the bathroom all the
    time, wait until the dicator slips in to digest his breakfast and then - in
    Germany we say: RUMS (with a short "u" as in butcher) - the peace dove
    breaks though the window with its diamond beak and drops its explosives
    while Saddam drops HIS explosives simultaneously. What an appealing
    way to die for an asshole like him.

    Now THAT would be an impressive stroke. There could be a whole swarm
    of doves trying it again if the first attempt should fail. But I hear, the
    US/UK invasion force plans to shoot ten times as much ammunition on
    the first day of war as in Desert Storm One. That battle of material
    does not impress me. They could do way better with

    "White Doves over Bhagdad"

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